10 Minutes for Your Heart
Meditations for Anyone Experiencing War Stress
10 Minutes for Your Heart is a series of trauma-sensitive meditations created specifically for Ukrainian listeners. Meditations focus on connecting with the breath, body and personal power. The series provides flexibility to participate at whatever level feels right.
Join the Circle To
💙 Connect with your breath
💙 Connect with your body
💙 Connect with your power
In Each Meditation, You Can Decide
💛 If you want to follow along
💛 How you want to follow along
💛 What your body needs in the moment
10 Minutes for Your Heart was created by American Certified Teacher of Meditation and Mindfulness, Colleen Thomas. Episodes are available in English and Ukrainian. The Ukrainian version was translated and voiced by Ukrainian actress Alina Zievakova.
This series was inspired by ProEnglish Theatre of Ukraine. Opening and closing music by AudioCoffee.
Слава Україні!
“Good meditation, it helped me calm down and relax a little, my nerves are crazy and my sleep is bad...”
“I really loved the breathing exercise! And the bowl that led to a circle metaphor was impactful. It helped me to remind myself that there is a community around, even if I don’t see it or ever will meet these people.”
“You are a true friend of Ukraine. With such friends, we will win!”
No. Please be safe. Do not drive or operate machinery while listening! Будьте обережними. Не керуйте автомобілем і механізмами, поки слухаєте цей запис!
This series was specifically designed to be accessible for people with a wide variety of mobility levels. You are welcome to participate while standing, sitting, or lying down. Also, all actions and intentional movements can be performed in your imagination. The intention is what matters.
Several things make these meditations trauma-sensitive, including:
The opportunity to be in choice
Somatic markers (body sensations, feelings, thoughts)
Working within the window of tolerance (applying the brakes if things get too intense, opening the eyes, moving around to re-regulate)
Resilience practices (connecting to a sense of wellbeing and community)
Environmental awareness
Yes, it is possible that this series might bring up challenging feelings. Please be mindful of your heart and go at your own pace. I am not a therapist, but if you need support, you can find one here.
That said, this series was carefully crafted using principles from trauma sensitive mindfulness. If you listen to the episodes in order, you will be with us as we build the circle, ground in our strength, release what is no longer needed, and connect with our inner flow - all before beginning the process of opening our hearts and moving into deeper feelings.
Yes, I have a trauma-sensitive podcast called Everyday Magic for Ukraine. It is intended to encourage a US/Western European audience to keep Ukraine strong in their hearts.
I am a Certified Meditation and Mindfulness Teacher and I hold a Masters degree from Naropa University. Learn more here.
I think it's essential for everyone to do their part right now. I'm not Ukrainian but I feel 100% called to help fight russian aggression. I echo the words of American historian Timothy Snyder in saying that my offerings are made from the "humble and limited perspective of an outsider."
Also - I didn't do this alone! While I'm based in the US and this initiative is my idea, I had a great Ukrainian team working with me - including 2 cultural reviewers, 2 musicians, a translator, a language tutor, a graphic designer, and a wonderful voice artist.
EPISODE #00 | Trailer
Привіт, друзі! Мене звати Коллін. Please join me on a new adventure, a series of meditations created especially for my Ukrainian friends. Together we will shed our skin, wash away doubt, and remember that we can move mountains.
The series is called 10 Minutes for Your Heart. Find it on YouTube and at 10minutesforyourheart.com.
Welcome to the circle!
EPISODE #01 | Today We Build the Circle
From Shame Piñata, I'm Colleen Thomas. This is 10 Minutes for Your Heart.
Today we will build the circle.
Ласкаво просимо до нашого кола! Welcome to the circle!
Слава Україні! Вітаю вас у нашому колі! Мене звати Коллін. Я з Америки, живу біля Сан-Франциско. Я Ваша тренерка з медитації. I am a meditation teacher and I design ceremonies to make sense of life. I am not from Ukraine but my heart is with Ukraine. I offer these meditations from the limited perspective of an outsider but I hope you will enjoy them. Also, I am not a therapist. If you need support today, please read the show notes. There you will find help wherever you are in the world.
So, what will we do here in circle? Well, first let me tell you that this is a circle is special because it exists beyond space and time. You are probably listening in your own room, perhaps on headphones. But when you listen, you're not alone. You’re part of the circle. It doesn’t matter how far apart we are or what time of day it is. We are together because we intend it. Ceremony transcends space and time.
I will invite you to bring an object with you each time we meet. This is optional but it will give you something to hold and touch during the meditation. This holding and touching will hopefully help you be in your body a bit more. Today’s object is an empty bowl. Any kind of empty bowl will be fine. You can grab one now or just imagine one.
Please know that everything I suggest is an invitation. You have the freedom to imagine or visualize any part of the meditation, and it's entirely okay to opt in or opt out of any portion based on how you're feeling today. Always prioritize your comfort and well-being. Let's journey together, at your own pace.
See if you can settle your body now, calm your body now. Maybe take a deep breath. [BREATHES] Maybe take another deep breath. [BREATHES] Does your body want to lie down? Does your body want to move? To sway? Maybe breathe and sway? What would it feel like to breathe and create some kind of back and forth motion in your body or even in your mind? Just experiment. What does your body want you to know today? What does your heart have to say? Does your body want to shake or dance or move in another way? Just experiment. Just trust your body. Trust and flow. And breathe. [BREATHES] And know that while you are doing this, we are here with you, each of us trusting and flowing in our own bodies, with you.
[BREATHES] And I invite you to take a breath and grab your empty bowl or just imagine an empty bowl. You might hold the bowl in both hands. Remember that everything I say is an invitation. Look at the bowl and notice its shape. It’s a vessel holding potential. Imagine it as our circle, a safe place where we are powerful together. Maybe see yourself sitting on the edge of the bowl with other listeners, part of the circle. We are sitting together around the edge of this bowl. And we welcome you on good days. And we welcome you on bad days. See the circle forming in your hands and feel the circle forming around you. Imagine your heart strengthened by our hearts. Feel the power and strength of the circle filling you up, restoring your energy, giving you a place to rest and breathe. We are so glad you are here. We are stronger because you are here. You are amazing.
And together, we have created it, a strong healing circle for everyone involved. May everyone who comes here find what they need. May it be so.
Remember to breathe today, breathe and expand. And enjoy the music as you transition back into the space you are in. Тримайтесь і бережіть себе! Слава Україні!
Our music was written by Ukrainian artist AudioCoffee. It’s called, "Hope and Peace (Believe in Ukraine)". Learn more about this series at 10minutesforyourheart.com. I’m Colleen Thomas. Thanks for listening.
EPISODE #02 | Today we expand and take up space
From Shame Piñata, I'm Colleen Thomas. This is 10 Minutes for Your Heart.
Today we will expand and take up space.
Ласкаво просимо до нашого кола! Welcome to the circle!
Привіт, друзі! Привіт, любі друзі! Слава Україні!
If you're new here, welcome! My name is Colleen and Ukraine is strong in my heart. This meditation is my offering to you today. It is one small thing I can do to help, and so I'm doing it. Just a little note: I'm here as a meditation teacher but I'm not a therapist. If today feels a bit heavy, our show notes have some resources that might help, wherever you are in the world.
Also, as a reminder, everything I suggest today is an invitation. You have the freedom to imagine or visualize any part of the meditation, and it's entirely okay to opt in or out of any portion based on how you're feeling today. Always prioritize your comfort and well-being. Let's journey together, at your own pace.
Whenever we get together, I'll ask you to bring something. Today, it's a sunflower. If you have one, that's wonderful and if not, just think of one.
Before we begin, notice how your body is feeling right now. Is there anything that would feel comforting? Perhaps you might connect with your heart, your skin, or your breath. And it’s okay if you’re feeling numb today and can’t tell what feels good.
So now, if you’d like, take a deep breath with me, like this [BREATHES]. And again [BREATHES]. And one more time [BREATHES]. How does your body feel now? Does it want to move a little or shake? Maybe shake off some stress? Just listen to your body.
While your body is moving or shaking, if it is, try to feel down into the ground, like you're going down through the floor into the ground. Feel safe and let go of stress, worries, or anything bothering you. Trust your body. It knows what to do. As your body moves, you can ground yourself by feeling or imagining the connection to the Earth beneath you. And if grounding doesn't resonate with you, try to focus on a sensation or thought that brings you comfort.
Imagine you have roots like a tree, reaching down. These roots not only keep you steady but also bring good, healing energy up from the Earth. Let that energy flow up your roots, into your body, and up to your heart. Feel it making you stronger, more sure, and filled with power. Imagine this power glowing from your heart, your eyes, and your skin.
And now, pick up or think about your sunflower. This sunflower is strong. This sunflower is bold. This sunflower takes up space. It's not shy. It's strong and sure. You might imagine this sunflower within a field of sunflowers in front of a blue sky, just like the Ukrainian flag.
Picture yourself as this sunflower, glowing with warmth, strength, and confidence. This sunflower is here to remind you how to be strong and bold. And as you are being strong and bold, notice if there is anything that would make this experience of taking up space feel more comfortable to you. What would that be? How is it possible, what would it feel like to be very comfortable taking up space? To be very comfortable being strong and bold, right now? It's wonderful and important for you to take up space. It's a good thing for you to be bold. The world needs you. Breathe slowly while focusing on the sunflower and imagine yourself shining even brighter. Keep breathing and feel yourself getting bigger, filling up the room with your light and your heart. And now, pretend you're filling your whole city or town with your light and heart. Keep breathing and imagine you're blooming like a beautiful flower. You're amazing!
May we always remember our right to be as big and bold as we want, every day. May it be so.
Remember to breathe today, breathe and expand. And enjoy the music as you transition back into the space you are in. Тримайтесь і бережіть себе! Слава Україні!
Our music was written by Ukrainian artist AudioCoffee. It is called, "Hope and Peace (Believe in Ukraine)". Learn more about this series at 10minutesforyourheart.com. I’m Colleen Thomas. Thanks for listening.
EPISODE #03 | Today we wash away doubt
From Shame Piñata, I'm Colleen Thomas. This is 10 Minutes for Your Heart.
Today we will wash away doubt.
Ласкаво просимо до нашого кола! Welcome to the circle!
Привіт, друзі! Привіт, любі друзі! Слава Україні!
If this is your first time here, welcome! I am so glad you are joining us. This meditation circle is special because it exists beyond space and time. It doesn’t matter when you listen or where you are in the world. We are together when we listen. As you know, I'm not a therapist, but our show notes have links to professionals and resources worldwide.
Each time we work together I will ask you to bring an item. This item will help us focus our intention. Today's item is a bowl of water. It’s fine to just imagine a bowl of water.
Today, we'll try a special kind of meditation called Kundalini meditation. Kundalini meditation comes from the Shakta Tantra tradition within Hinduism. This meditation has four parts: shaking, dancing, sitting, and relaxing. Normally, each part takes 15 minutes, but today, we'll do them for 30 seconds to a minute each. The goal is to gently wake up your body and say hello to your spirit. You are welcome to participate as much or as little as you want. And it’s fine to do only the parts of the meditation that feel good to you. It’s also fine to simply let your body rest and just imagine shaking and dancing.
Let's start with shaking. Just gently shake your body to the music. You can shake your hands, arms, hips, legs, or feet. Whatever is easy. Whatever feels good. You can shake while sitting, standing, or even lying down. Be sure to only move in ways that feel good.
Now, let's let the shaking turn into dancing. Again, any position is fine and only move in ways that feel good. Dance however you like. Just to let go and feel free. Remember to breathe while you dance.
Now let's sit down and listen. You can close your eyes if you want. Just sit quietly and listen to the music along with any other sounds around you. Just listen. Feel the vibrations in your body.
[BREATHES] And finally, it's time to relax. Find a way to completely relax if you can. You can lie down on the floor and close your eyes. Or find a way to rest that is deeply restorative. This is a time to rest and let the good feelings from the meditation sink in.
If it feels good to you, take a breath [BREATHES]. And maybe another [BREATHES]. If you are lying down, consider rolling over to your side. When you are ready, you can sit up if you would like to.
Our focus today is to let go of doubt, to wash it away. Do you have worries or things you're not sure about today? Notice if your body feels heavy in places like your belly or your heart. If it's too much, take a breath and maybe move a little. Pay attention to your body. If it's trying to tell you something, like a tummy ache or a heavy heart, you can touch that part if you can and say, "I hear you. Thank you. I'm here with you." We want to honor these feelings because the body always tells the truth.
Slowly, slowly, see if those heavy feelings would like to move into a part of your body that is easy to wash. Perhaps your hands or your feet. When you are ready, grab your bowl of water. This is sacred water from the Earth that is here to hold these feelings for you. Explore what it feels like to slowly wash your hands or feet in the water. If you are imagining this process in your mind, know that imagining it is just as powerful as doing it. Feel any heavy feelings move out of your body and into the water. Keep washing until all the heaviness is gone. Trust the process.
Now that the doubt is washed away, notice how you feel. Do you feel brighter and a bit more confident? You might want to say thank you to this water as you release it later. Return to your space slowly, maybe take a few deep breaths [BREATHES]. I’m so glad you were here with us today.
May we remember how strong and beautiful we are under any heavy feelings. May it be so.
Remember to breathe today, breathe and expand. And enjoy the music as you transition back into the space you are in. Тримайтесь і бережіть себе! Слава Україні!
Our theme song was written by Ukrainian artist AudioCoffee. Today’s dance music is from wowformatbeyondthelimits, also a Ukrainian artist. Learn more about this series at 10minutesforyourheart.com. I’m Colleen Thomas. Thanks for listening.
EPISODE #04 | Today we breathe like the lion
From Shame Piñata, I'm Colleen Thomas. This is 10 Minutes for Your Heart.
Today we will breathe like the lion.
Ласкаво просимо до нашого кола! Welcome to the circle!
Привіт, друзі! Привіт, любі друзі! Слава Україні!
My name is Colleen and this meditation is my offering to you today. If you're new, welcome! While I love being in circle with you, it's important for you to know that I'm not a licensed therapist. For specialized support, have a look at the resources in our show notes. And also, today we will be doing some breathwork, so be safe. Do not drive or operate machinery while you listen!
Please know that everything I suggest is an invitation. You have the freedom to imagine or visualize any part of the meditation, and it's entirely okay to opt in or out of any portion based on how you're feeling today. Always prioritize your comfort and well-being. Let's journey together, at your own pace.
Each time we work together I will ask you to bring an item. This item will help us focus our intention. Today's item is an image of a lion. It could be a picture from the internet, a page from a wall calendar, or just an image in your mind.
As we work today, I invite you to trust your body. Let your body tell you what feels right.
So first, find a comfy spot where we can practice something called "Lion’s Breath". This is a Hatha Yoga practice which comes from Hinduism. It can make you a bit lightheaded, so go slowly and don't try it if you have recently had surgery or if you have any issues on your face, your neck, or your tongue.
Lion’s Breath allows us to breathe like a lion. It looks a bit silly, so if you’re in a crowd, you might want to just imagine it. To do Lion’s Breath, inhale through your nose. Then open your mouth wide and stick out your tongue. Stretch your tongue down and out as far as is comfortable. Look up at the sky and breathe out. It will sound like something this [BREATHES]. Let’s do one together. Just join in if you can, if you want to [BREATHES]. If you feel dizzy, it's fine to stop. And it’s okay to breathe in whatever way feels right to you today. If you want, you can do another one with me [BREATHES]. This is a very cleansing breath. Feel its power.
And now let’s imagine or look at our lion. Take a moment to notice every detail. How is the lion moving or lying? What is the expression on its face? Can you see its fur moving in the wind? What is it looking at?
As you focus on it, notice its energy. Notice its comfort in its own skin. Feel its power. What might it feel like to be this lion? Imagine standing or moving as this lion. Maybe resting. Maybe walking. Maybe running. Feel the strength in your lion body. Feel the strength in your lion heart.
Maybe this lion has appeared today to help you find the strength that is inside you, maybe strength you forgot you have. Breathe in this lion energy and breathe out as the lion. You can use lion’s breath or just breathe in a way that feels right, in a way that feels powerful.
Feel into this connection. The lion is your strength. You are this lion. See your lion’s breath, see your power going out into the world now, changing the world around you. Experience being the lion. Let this experience fill you. Let this experience soak into your body and your skin. And take one final breath as the lion and begin to return to your space.
And now rest. Rest deeply the way a lion would rest. Know that your breath, your spirit, is an essential blessing. You are amazing. You can do anything.
May we each remember how powerful and important we are in this world. May we remember that we can breathe like a lion!
Remember to breathe today, breathe and expand. And enjoy the music as you transition back into the space you are in. Тримайтесь і бережіть себе! Слава Україні!
Our music was written by Ukrainian artist AudioCoffee. It’s called, "Hope and Peace (Believe in Ukraine)". Learn more about this series at 10minutesforyourheart.com. I’m Colleen Thomas. Thanks for listening.
EPISODE #05 | Today we walk through new doors
From Shame Piñata, I'm Colleen Thomas. This is 10 Minutes for Your Heart.
Today we will walk through new doors.
Ласкаво просимо до нашого кола! Welcome to the circle!
Привіт, друзі! Привіт, любі друзі! Слава Україні!
Welcome! My name is Colleen and I am a meditation teacher based in the United States. I’m so glad you’re here today. As a reminder, my expertise is in ritual and meditation, not therapy. If you feel the need for some extra help, our show notes include resources available globally.
Also , please know that everything I suggest is just an invitation. You have the freedom to imagine or visualize any part of the meditation, and it's entirely okay to opt in or out of any portion based on how you're feeling today. Always prioritize your comfort and well-being. Let's journey together, at your own pace.
Every time we work together, I will ask you to bring something with you. This item helps us direct our focus. Today's "item" is unique - it's not something physical. It's a doorway, a doorway you will move through. If you're not near a physical door, it's okay to simply imagine one in your mind.
If you're comfortable, take a cleansing breath [BREATHES]. When you're ready, at your own pace, imagine how it feels to be fully connected with the Earth, grounded and strong, like a sturdy oak tree. Be tall, self-aware, self-confident, embracing your power. Visualize yourself at your most powerful. Can you remember a moment when you felt powerful and strong? What was happening? How did it feel to be that powerful and strong?
Now, if you’d like, you might see if there's anything heavy in your heart, maybe something weighing you down, making you doubt yourself or your abilities. If you do find something, offer it love, space, and honor. Understand that this heaviness is a part of your truth today, a valuable part of who you are in this moment. Ask your body and heart if they would like to let go of this weight. It’s okay if they say no.
If they say yes, I'd like you to move close to your doorway or visualize one clearly in your mind. An open doorway. See this doorway as a magical portal - a way for you to transition from heaviness to power. A sacred gateway you will move through with intention. Prepare yourself to move through this doorway, knowing that you'll be transformed. When you're ready, take that step. This can be a physical step you take or one in your mind. It doesn’t matter as long as you make the choice to somehow move through the doorway.
Once you're on the other side, take a breath [BREATHES], then another [BREATHES]. How do you feel now? What has changed in you? Do you sense anything different? If not, don't worry. There's no wrong way to do this. Life presents us with many doorways, and each can be an intentional moment.
If you do feel different after walking through your sacred portal, embrace this new feeling and know that you have created it. Let it land in your body. Where do you feel it? What does it feel like?
May we remember that we are always growing and getting stronger with each doorway we walk through. May it be so!
Remember to breathe today, breathe and expand. And enjoy the music as you transition back into the space you are in. Тримайтесь і бережіть себе! Слава Україні!
Our music was written by Ukrainian artist AudioCoffee. It’s called, "Hope and Peace (Believe in Ukraine)". Learn more about this series at 10minutesforyourheart.com. I’m Colleen Thomas. Thanks for listening.
EPISODE #06 | Today we shed our skin
From Shame Piñata, I'm Colleen Thomas. This is 10 Minutes for Your Heart.
Today we will shed our skin.
Ласкаво просимо до нашого кола! Welcome to the circle!
Привіт, друзі! Привіт, любі друзі! Слава Україні!
If you're new here, welcome, welcome! My name is Colleen and Ukraine is strong in my heart. As you know, I'm not a therapist, but our show notes have links to professionals and resources worldwide. And also, today we will be doing some breathwork, so be safe. Do not drive or operate machinery while you listen!
Today, we won't use a physical object but instead, a place. If possible, find a quiet space where you can really focus on your body.
Let's try a breathing technique called "the double inhale". First, take a big breath in through your nose [BREATHES IN] and then a smaller one on top of that [BREATHES IN AGAIN]. Finally, breathe out slowly through your mouth [BREATHES OUT]. The whole thing sounds like this [BREATHES IN, IN, OUT]. Try it with me if you like. Breathe in [BREATHES IN]. And then a little more [BREATHES IN AGAIN]. And then out through your mouth [BREATHES OUT]. Notice how you feel. Does this type of breath feel good to you? If it doesn’t feel good or is difficult in any way, it’s okay to breathe in whatever way feels right to you.
If it does feel okay, let's do another one together. So you’ll breathe in through your nose, in a bit more, and then out through your mouth. [BREATHES IN, IN, OUT]. Good. How do you feel?
Now, let's use this breathing to let go of the old - the old ways, the old patterns, the old self. Let’s do an experiment. Let’s try using this breathwork to shed our skin like a snake. Remember to listen to your body as we work together. Pay attention to your body and stop if it’s too much or if you need a break.
So this is my idea. The first breath in will go into the body, and then the second breath in will go into the skin. So the first breath, breathe into the body [BREATHES IN]. And the second breath, into the skin [BREATHES IN AGAIN]. Then as you exhale [BREATHES OUT], imagine shedding your old self, just like a snake sheds its skin. So you’ll breathe into the body, and then the skin, and then breathe out to release the old [BREATHES IN, IN, OUT]. So body [BREATHES IN], skin [BREATHES IN AGAIN], and release [BREATHES OUT]. [BREATHES IN, IN, OUT] You can breathe out anything you no longer need - fears, barriers, judgments. [BREATHES IN, IN, OUT].
And now just breathe normally, but let the process of release continue. Allow your old skin to drop off. Allow your old self to drop away. Visualize yourself emerging, new and clear. Feel free to continue experimenting with the double inhale. If you’re dizzy at all or you feel like you’ve had enough, just use your regular breathing. Allow the old to drop off, to drop away. Allow yourself to gently and effortlessly shed your skin, however you might need to or want to shed your skin today. Whatever parts of you or experiences you’ve had that you’re ready to let go of, just allow those things to fall away, and feel yourself reborn. Again, visualize yourself emerging, new and clear.
If you are doing the breathing, maybe join me in one final breath into the body [BREATHES IN], into the skin [BREATHES IN AGAIN], and releasing [BREATHES OUT]. And you might want to rest a bit as the meditation ends. Allow your body to rest. Allow your breath to become normal again. Allow your heart to rest. Notice what it feels like to be in your new skin. Maybe move around just a little bit, however is comfortable for your body. Notice what it feels like. How do you feel? What do you notice?
May we remember that our breath is a powerful friend as we move through life, constantly renewing ourselves. May it be so.
Remember to breathe today, breathe and expand. And enjoy the music as you transition back into the space you are in. Тримайтесь і бережіть себе! Слава Україні!
Our music was written by Ukrainian artist AudioCoffee. It’s called, "Hope and Peace (Believe in Ukraine)". Learn more about this series at 10minutesforyourheart.com. I’m Colleen Thomas. Thanks for listening.
EPISODE #07 | Today we flow like the dragon
From Shame Piñata, I'm Colleen Thomas. This is 10 Minutes for Your Heart.
Today we will flow like the dragon.
Ласкаво просимо до нашого кола! Welcome to the circle!
Привіт, друзі! Привіт, любі друзі! Слава Україні!
My name is Colleen. I’m a meditation teacher based in the United States and this meditation is my offering to you today. I’m not a therapist but I can share some great resources with you. Please find them in the show notes.
Also please know that everything I suggest is just an invitation. You have the freedom to imagine or visualize any part of it, and it's entirely okay to opt in or out of any portion based on how you're feeling today. Always prioritize your comfort and well-being. Let's journey together, at your own pace.
Today’s object is an image of a dragon. It could be a picture from the internet, a favorite wall hanging, or just an image in your mind.
Would you like to breathe together? If so, join me now. [BREATHES] And again. [BREATHES] And once more. [BREATHES] If you joined us for those breaths, how do you feel now? If you like this feeling, you might keep breathing deeply throughout this meditation. It's up to you.
While you’re noticing how you feel and what it’s like to keep breathing, if you’d like to, notice where you find flow in your body. Is your breath flowing? How about your blood? Can you feel it moving? How about your heart? When you breathe into your heart, can you sense its rhythm? If you are able, try swaying gently, side to side, or back and forth, or just move your hand. Find your unique flow in this moment. Swaying is a lovely way to rebalance the body - literally and energetically.
So while you are breathing, and flowing and maybe swaying, join me in imagining that a dragon arriving in your space. Notice its color. How does it move? How does it feel to be close to a dragon? What would happen if you went on a journey with this dragon, learning to flow as the dragon flows?
What might it be like to become this dragon, to be this beautiful, this strong? Keep breathing and see what flowing as the dragon feels like. Can you feel it in your body? Find that flow. Let it inform your body. Let it show your body what is possible. If you are breathing, keep letting your breath flow.
Be the dragon. Move around your space if you can, or just feel this movement in your body as you remain still. You are the dragon. Amazing! Keep going, keep moving as the dragon. How does the dragon move across the room? How does the dragon fly across the sky? What does the dragon say? How does the dragon laugh? Wonderful! Allow yourself to really find the flow. To really trust the dragon in yourself, the flow in yourself. Breathe and flow as the dragon.
And now, allow your dragon-self to slow down, to rest. Allow yourself to rest fully now and join me in one final deep breath, one final moment of flow. [BREATHES]. Thank you for flowing with us today in our circle of dragons. May we all find our inner dragon whenever we forget how to flow. May it be so!
Remember to breathe today, breathe and expand. And enjoy the music as you transition back into the space you are in. Тримайтесь і бережіть себе! Слава Україні!
Our music was written by Ukrainian artist AudioCoffee. It’s called, "Hope and Peace (Believe in Ukraine)". Learn more about this series at 10minutesforyourheart.com. I’m Colleen Thomas. Thanks for listening.
EPISODE #08 | Today we move mountains
From Shame Piñata, I'm Colleen Thomas. This is 10 Minutes for Your Heart.
Today we will move mountains.
Ласкаво просимо до нашого кола! Welcome to the circle!
Привіт, друзі! Привіт, любі друзі! Слава Україні!
If you're new to this circle, welcome! I am so glad you are here! My name is Colleen. I’m a meditation teacher and a ritual artist and I’m based in the United States. I have been following along closely with all things Ukraine for quite some time now and well, let’s just say that Ukraine is strong in my heart. This meditation is one small thing I can offer. I do want to remind you that I’m not a therapist, but if you need support today, please check the show notes for ways to get help no matter where you are in the world.
As you know, each time we get together, I'll ask you to have something with you to help us focus. Today, I invite you to grab or think of a power object. This means something that helps you remember your strength, your power. It might be a ring or a bracelet. Maybe a watch your father gave you, or a rock your child gave you. It can also be an image in your mind or a memory of an important moment that brightens your heart. Choose something that helps you remember who you are when you feel a little lost.
While you’re letting something come to mind I want to remind you that every day we feel different, right? Our body is different every day. Our hearts are different every day. So listen to how your body and heart are feeling today. Notice what do they need in this moment. Loving touch? A hug? A sigh? [BREATHES] A scream? Some shaking? Just give your body what it needs right now.
Let’s take a journey now to a vast, open field. This is a safe, peaceful place where we can see mountains in the distance. Find your connection to this earth, the earth in this beautiful field and see if you can invite its strength up, up out of the field, out of the earth, through the topsoil and the plants, up and into your feet and then into your heart and filling your whole body. Feel yourself connected to the earth, held by the earth.
Now, take a moment to look across the field to those mountains. Let’s see if we can move those mountains. Do you think we can? Here’s the trick. We will use the Earth's power. Just imagine this and let it flow through you. So reach out in your mind. See those mountains clearly. Feel your feet standing firm on the earth. And push those mountains across the horizon. Just push them, just move them.
This is something in our minds, but you might be able to feel it in your body. You might feel your muscles working, your strength, your power. Can you move them again? Notice how your body feels. Push those mountains to where you want them to be. Use your strength. Really feel your power. Good.
Now focus on your power object.This might be something you’re holding or something you’re imagining. Either way, it’ll work. Let the strength that you feel flow into it. Let it absorb this experience of moving these mountains. You moved them in your mind but you moved them with your strength. So take some of this strength and invite it into your power object. This will strengthen and enhance this object. It will remind you of your power in this moment. This is something you can do on a regular basis with your power object. You can charge it. You can fill it with your strength whenever you want to - so that in moments when you might feel depleted and you pull it out, it will hold your resource for you. It will remind you of your strength.
Thank this object for being a resource you can carry forward. And notice - how does your body feel now? What does it need in this moment? Does it need that same thing it needed at the start? A loving touch? A hug? A sigh? A scream? Some shaking? Just do whatever your body needs.
May we all connect with the power within us to move mountains. May it be so!
Remember to breathe today, breathe and expand. And enjoy the music as you transition back into the space you are in. Тримайтесь і бережіть себе! Слава Україні!
Our music was written by Ukrainian artist AudioCoffee. It is called, "Hope and Peace (Believe in Ukraine)". Learn more about this series at 10minutesforyourheart.com. I’m Colleen Thomas. Thanks for listening.
EPISODE #09 | Today we love fiercely
From Shame Piñata, I'm Colleen Thomas. This is 10 Minutes for Your Heart.
Today we will love fiercely.
Ласкаво просимо до нашого кола! Welcome to the circle!
Привіт, друзі! Привіт, любі друзі! Слава Україні!
I’m so glad you’re here today! My name is Colleen. I’m not a therapist but I can share some great resources with you. Please find them in the show notes. Please know that everything I suggest is just an invitation. You have the freedom to imagine or visualize any part of today’s meditation, and it's entirely okay to opt in or out of any portion based on how you're feeling today.
Today, I'd like you to think of something you love. It could be an object, a photo, or even a memory. Take a second now to decide what that is.
Today, we're going to go deep, so let's prepare. So if you want, create a rhythm in your body. You can put your arms around your waist and tap on one side, then the other. Left. Right. Left. Right. Or maybe tap your feet. Left. Right. Left. Right. If physical movement isn't available to you, you can imagine a rhythm or pattern in your mind. Just relax into it and feel the rhythm.
Now, add some deep breaths. [BREATHES] Good. Let's do this for a little while. [BREATHES] How does this feel? Is it calming? If it is, keep going. If not, stop. It's okay to breathe in whatever way feels right to you. Just experiment. Find your own rhythm. Find your own sense of calm.
Focus on your connection with the chair, floor, or bed and imagine a cord going down into the Earth. How would it feel to connect to the center of the Earth? You can keep swaying or tapping or breathing, or let that go now and imagine pulling up some of that Earth energy.
Feel that Earth energy, made stronger with the help of your Ancestors, flowing into your body, flowing into your heart. Let it flow through your heart, releasing anything you don't need - fears, doubts, concerns, maybe concerns that aren’t even yours. Let your heart open and bloom, nurtured by this loving, strong energy. Connect with your own strong love, your soul's love. Feel this love flow through your heart.
Now, find your item - the thing you love. Focus on it and see how it touches your heart. Remember that you can return to your rhythmic movement and breathing anytime. Let your love start to pour into this item, surrounding it with appreciation, love, trust, protection, and deep gratitude. Let your love surround this item. Trust the process and keep breathing [BREATHES]. Tears and laughter are welcome. Your love can flow down your arms and into your object. Your love can flow out of your eyes and into your object. You want to completely bathe this item in your fierce love.
When you feel the process is complete, take a few breaths and return to normal. Allow yourself to feel however you feel. You might like to return to the rhythm we used earlier. Left, right. Left, right. When you are ready, take a few breaths and begin to notice the space you are in. You might look around and notice the colors around you. Or if you see the world through touch, you might reach out and feel the different textures around you. Just something to bring you back into the space you’re in.
Please be gentle with your heart for the next couple of days. You might consider keeping your item where you can see it for a while. May we remember how powerful our love truly is. May it be so.
Remember to breathe today, breathe and expand. And enjoy the music as you transition back into the space you are in. Тримайтесь і бережіть себе! Слава Україні!
Our music was written by Ukrainian artist AudioCoffee. It is called, "Hope and Peace (Believe in Ukraine)". Learn more about this series at 10minutesforyourheart.com. I’m Colleen Thomas. Thanks for listening.
EPISODE #10 | Today we open, and trust, and love, and release
From Shame Piñata, I'm Colleen Thomas. This is 10 Minutes for Your Heart.
Today we will open, and trust, and love and release.
Ласкаво просимо до нашого кола! Welcome to the circle!
Привіт, друзі! Привіт, любі друзі! Слава Україні!
If you're new here, welcome! My name is Colleen and Ukraine is strong in my heart. I’m not a therapist but I can share some great resources with you. Please find them in the show notes.
Before we begin, I want to thank you for being here, simply being here. I want to thank you for living another day on this Earth, and I want to thank your heart for beating with such incredible courage and strength.
Today’s object is something that's always with you, it’s your heart.
If you'd like, join me in bringing a your focus to your heart and take a breath. Today is about opening up, flowing, and being grateful. But first, see how your heart feels today. Is it feeling strong? Then you can be bold in our meditation. If it’s feeling tender - a little tender, very tender, or completely broken - be very, very gentle. If you notice yourself spacing out or feeling numb today, that is okay. You might switch it up, move around a bit, walk around the room if you can. Just do what feels right.
To begin, you can try a little swaying, back and forth and back and forth. You can place a hand on your heart or just imagine one there. You can allow yourself to sway, and breathe, and connect. You might give yourself a hug and tap on your body - left, right, left, right. Or tap your toes - left, right, left, right. Or walk around a bit - left, right, left, right. And breathe. [BREATHES] If physical movement isn't available to you, you can imagine this back and forth pattern in your mind.
I ask you to listen to what your body tells you it needs today. Does it need a comforting hug that lasts all day? Does it want to release old stuff by shaking it out and breathing? Or maybe it wants to dance, celebrate, and express itself boldly?
This is your time, your space. I'll play some music to give you the time to express and be yourself. There's no wrong way to do this. Just trust your body and give it what it needs. Flow with it. Remember to breathe. Just trust your body. This is your time. If you're not sure what to do, just let your body move any way it wants to. Keep breathing. You are here with us. We are here with you. Allow yourself to feel and express whatever is there. You’re in circle. You’re with us. This is a safe space. You can be honest. You can be real. Just trust and open and love.
Amazing! Now, let your body rest. You can lie down on the floor or maybe sit in a chair, completely relaxed. Notice how you feel. When you're ready, roll to your side and sit up very slowly. Take your time. I’m so grateful you were with us today. May we all remember that our bodies and hearts are incredible. We're capable, and we're not alone. May it be so!
Remember to breathe today, breathe and expand. And enjoy the music as you transition back into the space you are in. Тримайтесь і бережіть себе! Слава Україні!
Our music was written by Ukrainian artist AudioCoffee. It is called, "Hope and Peace (Believe in Ukraine)". Today’s dance music is also from AudioCoffee. Learn more about this series at 10minutesforyourheart.com. I’m Colleen Thomas. Thanks for listening.