HOW TO RATE everday magic for Ukraine

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How to Rate and Review on a PC or Mac

  1. Open Apple Podcasts on your computer

  2. Search for Everyday Magic for Ukraine (the show, not an episode)

  3. Scroll down to the “Ratings & Reviews” section

How to Rate and Review on an iPhone

  1. Open the Podcasts app

  2. Search for Everyday Magic for Ukraine (the show, not an episode)

  3. Scroll down to the “Ratings & Reviews” section

  4. Tap on the stars to rate

  5. Tap on “Write a Review” to both rate and review


How to Rate on Spotify

  1. Open the Spotify App on your phone

  2. Search for Everyday Magic for Ukraine (the show, not a specific episode)

  3. Tap the star icon underneath the podcast description

  4. You will need to listen to at least one episode before you can add a rating. Spotify only accepts ratings, not reviews.


How to Rate and Review on Podchaser

  1. Open Podchaser

  2. Navigate to Podchaser on your computer or phone browsers

  3. Search for Everyday Magic for Ukraine

  4. Click on “Rate Podcast”

  5. A popup will open and allow you to add a review (you will need to sign. up for a Podchaser account)


How to Rate and Review on Insight Timer

  1. Listen to a track completely

  2. When it is done, click "Finish"

  3. A pop-up will appear where you can rate and write a review. You may edit your rating and review anytime.